Home becomes their school

Updated on: Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Even as many of her friends are sweating it out for their board exams, M S Thein attends her drum and dance classes and pursues a diploma in jewellery designing, apart from it she prepares for her school finals on Cambridge Board syllabus in May. All the difference is that her home itself is her new school.

This set up is suitable for those who are capable of handling multi-task and would not be possible to take up all this if one is in a regular school,Home schooling is becoming a viable option by many non-resident Indians that had for long been explored by only expatriates living in India and parents of children with special needs.
Anju Sam was on the look out for an ideal school for her six-year-old son Sam since they came down from the US four months ago. Sam finished his kindergarten in the US and would be going to grade-I this year. His mother, Anju was on the search for a school that allows her son to grow at his own pace, as she was not able to locate one, she decided to give her home a try.

Educationist K R Maalathi says, The NRIs and others Indians want to give their children the comfort they got in those countries, but they fail to find compatible International schools and they are keen that they don't want CBSE schools because of the rigorous schedule.

As the international syllabus has a good support system on the internet, a child can be schooled well at home, says Maalathi, director of KRM Training and Consultancy Services.

For more information visit: www.kalvimalar.com


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