All in the mind!

Updated on: Thursday, November 11, 2010

In most families, when a child opts for a subject in the Arts stream, he or she is first asked ‘But why?' However, if he is insistent on Engineering or Medicine, he is first greeted with smiles and a pat on the back! Is it the job security that is so enticing? Or is our society just very narrow minded? Most probably the former accounts for the latter considering that the growth of other courses has been slow. So, I often pose the question to myself (due to lack of help ) – “Why engineering?” Mind you, these intriguing thoughts pop into the ‘mind space' only once you start the course and never before it!

Engineering seems to be a craze - a madness that diverts everyone's focus to competition, placements, salary and so on. But after the choice is made, and one enters college, reality comes into play. The truth of the situation, the education system, the monotony of classes and the dying interest slowly make their appearance. and then you start thinking.


An engineering degree from NIT does hold a good deal of worth. Hence, on careful evaluation of both (which is done mostly in a matter of seconds), I chose engineering. After a lot of thought I had to accept that I chose Engineering because I didn't know what exactly I wanted and this seemed like a decent solution.

Then again, there aren't many options that one is exposed to before even seriously considering it. Most of us have been told to ‘do what you really love'. Sometimes, I wonder if they tried to say ‘love what you do'. Both sound like noble ideas. But the choice makes all the difference.

Flicker of change

Surprisingly, one also finds a load of people cribbing about their subjects. It makes me wonder why anyone openly shows any love for their subject. A shame to accept their passion.

Then there is a bunch that was ‘forced' into taking this up. Sad, but understandable.

So it finally happens to be that two years into engineering, I find what I am looking for and I am too afraid to take a major step in a different direction. But in situations like these, you'd rather not consult anyone.

For that matter, you'd rather not have anyone around you! It is a moment's flicker that can change your world. With that, I close my case.

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