Haryana mulling new grant-in-aid model for schools

Updated on: Monday, November 08, 2010

In a bid to reform its school education system, Haryana is mulling to introduce a new grant-in-aid model where schools will have to meet certain
performance standards with respect to every child.
A spokesman of the Haryana Education Department said it had invited views from all aided schools and other stakeholders on the issue.
Under the proposal, the department would provide aid on the basis of enrolment figures. 
In the new per child grant-in-aid system, state would expect schools to fulfil certain performance and quality standards with respect to evry child, failing which the school may have to reimburse the aid received by it.
Meanwhile, Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda today assured temporary teachers that they would not be removed and urged them to help in realising the dream of making Haryana an education hub at international level.
A delegation of the teachers had called on him at his residence here today.
The Chief Minister claimed that the education system was in bad shape when he came to power six years ago and so his government gave priority to the sector.
Initially, guest teachers were appointed for three months to meet the shortage of teachers.
He said their performance was good and so the state had decided to continue with them.
"The state has witnessed unprecedented development during last six years and now my dream is to make Haryana an education hub at an international level," Hooda was quoted as saying in an official release here.

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