Kerala agricultural varsity keen to work with TNAU on climate change?

Updated on: Sunday, November 07, 2010

Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) is keen to work with Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) on climate change. It is proposing to enter into memoranda of understanding with it in areas of research, education and technology transfer, K.R. Viswambharan, Vice-Chancellor, KAU, said here recently.

Speaking at the Madras Agricultural Students' Union (MASU) Day at the TNAU, Mr. Viswambharan said the TNAU was a pioneer in biotechnology, micro-irrigation and precision farming.

“KAU has started a new course in climate change for the first time in Asia. The course is being conducted with support from University of Western Australia. The course is relevant for Kerala, as it is affected by climate change and biodiversity-related issues,” Mr. Viswambharan said.

The university also had plans to start a course in solid waste management as that was another serious problem in Kerala, he added.

P. Murugesa Boopathi, Vice-Chancellor of TNAU, said that MASU had many distinguished agricultural scientists as its members. He also commended the Madras Agricultural Journal being published by the MASU. He said that though many scientists were members of the MASU, involvement of students was not appreciable and needed to be encouraged.

Mr. Viswambharan presented the MASU awards to scientists for their contribution to various areas of agriculture.

P. Subbian, Registrar, and president of MASU, S.D. Sivakumar, professor of Agricultural Economics and Secretary of MASU, were among those who spoke.


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