Virtual class rooms by next month beginning

Updated on: Sunday, November 07, 2010

ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) would roll out virtrual classrooms across the country in a phased manner, its president, Amarjit Chopra said today.
To start with, the virtual classrooms would begin in all the four metros and major two-tier cities like Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, besides Hyderabad, by December first week, Chopra told reporters here.
Other Centres would have the facility within one year.
On perception in the delay in delivery of imparting justice in cases filed in the institute, Chopra said that certain changes in the disciplinary mechanism to be followed by the Institute were on anvil, including taking up the public interest cases on priority. These matters were under delibertions, which would once again lead to regaining the trust of the general public, he claimed.
Another major initiative was that it ws decided to recommend to the Centre that power to act against erring firms be given to the institute after making necessary amendments in the act, he said adding that the Institute definitely needed more powers to ensure that big corporate scandals cann be averted in future.
The current year would be critical for the Chartered Accounts, with the proposed Company bill, Good and Services Tax, Direct Tax and also the convergence of  Indian Accounting Standards with the International Financial Reporting Standards, Chopra said.
As far as Company bill was concerned ICAI has given many suggestions either to incorporate or make some changes in various clauses, like changing the auditor and blanket ban on managerial secretary, G Ramaswamy, vice president, who was also present, said.

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