Taking the TOEFL

Updated on: Monday, November 01, 2010

With more and more students applying to colleges and universities abroad, taking a test in English has become an important ingredient in the application process. Universities abroad require to know what your basic level of English is to ensure that you understand the course to which you are applying.

So, sadly, there is really no getting away from taking some sort of English test to guarantee admission!

TOEFL or the Test of English as a Foreign Language which evaluates a student’s proficiency in the English Language is a popular English evaluation test and is offered on the computer in most parts of the world.

TOEFL scores are valid for two years. This means that you could take the test before you finally decide whether you want to go abroad or not. TOEFL, which is presented in the iBT (Internet Based Testing) format consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. Here is a sample test to help you along. Watch this space for more questions and answers next week. For details, log on to http://www.toefl.org

Listening comprehension
This part of the test has different forms for the paper and pencil TOEFL test and the iBT.
The following examples are for the PBT. iBT examples will also be featured on these pages.
Man: I’m feeling kind of sick tonight. I don’t know if I have a virus, or if it’s something I ate for lunch. Maybe we should stay home tonight.
Woman: I think you’re right. I feel a little under the weather myself.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
(A) She believes the weather is too bad to go out.
(B) She is not feeling well herself.
(C) She didn’t eat lunch.
(D) She disagrees with the man.
“I feel under the weather” means that “the woman is not feeling well.”
Answer: B

Listening comprehension: part a: questions 1-30: short conversations
For this part of the PBT, you will hear 30 short conversations. However, we have tried to carry a minimum of one example per
section. Listen carefully to the speakers.

Listening part a. Meaning
1. Man: I’ve heard that the new Chemistry class is really difficult.
Woman: Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I took Chemistry 402 last quarter, and I think the course went very smoothly.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
(A) The Chemistry class is very tough.
(B) The Chemistry class is not teaching this quarter.
(C) The Chemistry class is easier than the man thinks.
(D) The Chemistry class should be avoided if possible.
Answer: “Oh, I wouldn’t say that” indicates that the woman disagrees with the man. The best answer is C.

2. Woman: I’ve heard great things about that movie that just came out. You want to go see it tonight?
Man: I’d love to, but I’ve got a history final in two days, and I haven’t studied all quarter. I think I’d better take a rain check this time.
Narrator: What does the man mean?
(A) He needs to take a break from his studying.
(B) He loves the woman very much.
(C) He doesn’t like going out in the rain.
(D) He will not be able to accompany the woman.
Answer: “I’d better take a rain check this time” means that the person “cannot do the activity.” The correct answer is D.

Listening part a. Implication questions
Woman: The milk in the refrigerator is sour. I don’t think it’s drinkable.
Man: No joke. The expiration date was three weeks ago.
Narrator: What does the man imply?
(A) The woman has an extremely sour disposition.
(B) They need to replace the refrigerator.
(C) The woman is just kidding.
(D) It’s not surprising the milk has ruined.
Answer: D

Listening part a. Reference questions
Man: What does Susan think about her new job? I’ve heard it through the grapevine that she’s
Woman: It’s not exactly that. She simply feels that she’s not cut out for it.
Narrator: What does the woman say about Susan?
(A) She is cutting classes.
(B) She works on grape vines.
(C) She feels she isn’t suited for her new job.
(D) Susan’s new job is too simple.
Answer: C

Listening part a. Action
Man: John’s grades in math are incredibly low. Maybe he needs a tutor to get through the class.
Woman: That could be true, but we should talk to him first.
Narrator: What are these people probably going to do next?
(A) Study math with John.
(B) Take John to a doctor.
(C) Discuss the problem with John.
(D) Find John a study group.
Answer: C

Listening part a. Suggestion questions
Man: It’s really hot today. The temperature must be over a hundred. The forecast is for rain in the afternoon.
Woman: How about putting off the picnic until tomorrow?
Narrator: What does the woman suggest that they do?
(A) Take a walk in the rain.
(B) Delay their outing.
(C) Go on a picnic.
(D) Find out the weather forecast.
Answer: B

Listening part a. Assumption questions
Woman: The truck is gone and I don’t see Fred anywhere.
Man: He must have decided to go to work after all.
Narrator: What had the man assumed about Fred?
(A) Fred had stolen a truck.
(B) Fred wasn’t going to work.
(C) Fred couldn’t make a decision.
(D) Fred’s truck was broken down.
Answer: B

Listening part a. Inferential questions
Man: When it comes to fixing faucets, I hear you’re the best in town.
Woman: That, and replacing pipes.
Narrator: What can be inferred about the woman?
(A) She’s a heavy smoker.
(B) She plays the organ.
(C) She owns four sets of pipes.
(D) She is a plumber.
Answer: D

Listening part a. Subject
Man: It sounds like it is going to be extremely tough. I’ve heard that at the end of the quarter most of the questions are essay.
Woman: I hope not. I really prefer matching or multiple choice.
Narrator: What are these people talking about?
(A) A final exam they are going to take.
(B) A multiplication problem that they cannot find the solution to.
(C) A journey they are about to take.
(D) Something they forgot to say to their friend.
Answer: A

Listening part a. Problem
Woman: Put your foot on the clutch and gently depress it.
Man: But every time I do it, it jumps.
Narrator: What is the man’s problem?
(A) His bicycle is broken.
(B) He doesn’t perform well in the clutch.
(C) He doesn’t know how to drive.
(D) He is extremely depressed and nervous.
Answer: C

Simple sentence: verb
1. With the passing of time and the encroachment of people, the habitat of gorillas __________
to decrease.
(A) continuing
(B) which continue
(C) continues
(D) that it has continued

2. Sugar intake, particularly that of refined sugar, __________
curtailed by most overweight people wishing to lessen their corpulence.
(A) must being
(B) which must
(C) must be
(D) must
Answer: 1 (C), 2 (C)

Simple sentence: prepositional phrase
1. In __________, the crime rate has begun to drop due to neighbourhood watch programmes.
(A) the past few years

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