IIMs to get more autonomy: Sibal

Updated on: Thursday, October 14, 2010

Human Resource and Development (HRD) Minister Kapil Sibal held a meeting with the chairpersons and directors of the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) to decide on the future course of IIMs and the steps to be taken. Sibal said that in the past one and a half years, a number of steps have been taken by the HRD ministry to provide autonomy to the IIMs.

These measures include full powers to the Boards of IIMs to create posts within the approved norms, freedom to open centres in India and abroad, amend rules of the IIM within the framework of Memorandum of Association and Rules, power to acquire and dispose property not fully or partially funded by the Ministry of HRD, powers to approve their own Budget, and also to manage the funds generated by the IIMs on their own.

However, he also added that autonomy should go hand in hand with accountability; in that the faculty, the director and the board should take steps to prepare annual action plans and key performance indicators at each level and be fully accountable and transparent.

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