NABET to sign MoU with Scottish accreditation authority

Updated on: Wednesday, October 13, 2010

To promote development of skill standards and accreditation systems and draw from each other's strengths in achieving this, India's premier accreditation board will sign an MoU with a Scottish body here tomorrow.

The MoU will be signed between the Scottish Qualifications Authority and National Accreditation Board for Education and Training in the presence of HRD Minister Kapil Sibal and First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond.

According to officials of the HRD Ministry, the purpose behind the exercise is to recognise the scope between the two bodies to build on their strengths and current achievements by working in partnership for mutual benefit.

Some of the areas of collaboration as per the MoU between the two organisations would be exploring partnership opportunities in accrediting qualifications, accrediting schools, approving awarding bodies, auditing awarding bodies and approving and monitoring the approved centres of learning.

University of Abertay, Dundee in Scotland will also sign an MoU with IIIT Allahabad to promote and support cooperation between the institutes through exchange programmes between academic and research fields.

Officials in the Ministry said the collaboration will broadly focus on creative digital media, arts, games, visualisations, business management, biotechnology and bio-informatics.

Association of Indian Universities and Scotland has already signed an MoU in October 2009 for joint recognition of qualifications, student mobility and research collaborations among others-

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