MAT to go online

Updated on: Monday, October 11, 2010

MAT appears to be the exam that grabs students’ attention the most. And this is because unlike other aptitude tests which are conducted once a year, the repeated periodicity of MAT is its USP. Conducted every quarter by the All India Management Association (AIMA) in September, December, February and May, MAT invites over 2.5 lakh students annually who vie for admission in more than 450 B-Schools spread across India.

Now AIMA will hold a new online test in February next year to evaluate B-School students on their employability in line with current industry trends. “This test will certify and check a student’s readiness and aptitude before he or she enters the corporate world,” Sanjiv Goenka, President, AIMA said.

To be held all across India on February 20, 2010, the Management Aptitude and Skills Test (MAST) is slated to benefit both employers and students. Employers will have the opportunity to choose students with the right skill sets, and students will have a pan India exposure to the job market.

To ace the exam, experts advise that you
* Read a newspaper every day, spending at least 45 minutes scouring it

* Read a general or business periodical (weekly or fortnightly)
* Watch talk shows and interviews of prominent business professionals and politicians to get a perspective
* Write at least one page a day on any topic of your choice to become articulate and get clarity of thought
* Form an informal group with like-minded people who will help you speak individually and in groups
* Attend mock interviews
* Seek feedback on your communication from a mentor who is well read or has worked in a formal business set-up and can give relevant suggestions

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