PM on same page with the health ministry

Updated on: Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The health ministry’s proposed bill for a separate council for medical education has got the nod of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, putting an end to the dispute between the health and the Human Resource and Development (HRD) ministry.

The Prime Minister, while addressing the 38th convocation of All India Institute of Medical Sciences said, "National Council for Human Resource in Health will be formed soon." Health Secretary Sujatha Rao said, "Health education will remain with the health ministry, and the consultations for the bill are on."

Earlier, The HRD ministry had proposed that medical education be under the purview of its National Commission for Higher Education and Research (NCHER) while the health ministry proposed a separate National Council for Human Resource in Health (NCHRH).

According to sources, the prime minister has been backing a separate council for health education since the very beginning. The issue was first mentioned by Manmohan Singh in his Independence Day speech when he announced separate councils for higher education and health.

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