IIT Kharagpur launches its business plan competition

Updated on: Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell) of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur has launched its business plan competition in search of innovative and enterprising business ideas from students. This provides a platform for the students to showcase their ideas and also, a chance to get professional mentorship from the pool of distinguished mentors on board.

E-Cell is a student organisation instituted at the Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Park at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. It was formed under the aegis of Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy (SRIC). The objectives of E-Cellare to provide students with all the support in terms of training, mentorship, incubation, patenting, and external funding needed for entrepreneurship. It promotes entrepreneurship through different approaches such as B-Plan competitions, workshops, guest lectures, knowledge camps and various other platforms.

The different competitions in the event are as follows:-

• Envision: Envision is the annual product design competition. The aim of this competition is to provide an arena where the next generation of block-buster products can be showcased and to provide a platform for the winners to take their ideas to the next level.

• Eclairez: Eclairez, the Social Entrepreneurship Challenge is a platform for social entrepreneurs to showcase their innovative solutions to society's most pressing social problems. The participants will get a chance to perk up their business plan with our mentorship board and convert it into a successful social venture.

• Negocio: Negocio is a web- and mobile-application based B-Plan competition. The competition promises to bring out new ideas and formulate revolutionary revenue models in the Web and Mobile Apps spectra which are yet to be ventured. There is huge opportunity for web and mobile based companies in India because of the increasing pace of Internet and 3G mobile penetration.

• Cleantech: Cleantech Challenge is a clean technology oriented B-Plan competition. The first of its kind in India, Cleantech Challenge provides a platform for those who believe in making profit, without harming nature, but conversely, by preserving it.

Interested students can visit the official E-Cell website at http://www.ecell-iitkgp.org.

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