Be in green company

Updated on: Monday, September 13, 2010

Plants can be wonderful company. And they prove to be great friends bringing brightness and make better days still brighter.

It would be fun planting some really easy-to-grow plants. There is a huge variety of plants available that are captivating.

Spend time

Be it the ornamental ones or the foliage plants, spend some five minutes with them daily to have a beautiful, refreshing sight everyday. Having different kinds of ferns makes a pretty display.

Did you know that one tree can absorb about one ton Carbon dioxide in its lifetime? So, even a single plant in your garden can make a difference.

Planting seasonal plants like Aster, Zenia, Petunia, Gajenia, Dentus which have a shelf life of three to six months can be fun. They grow very easily and don't need any maintenance except for being watered regularly.

Dinesh Mishra who has a nursery near the Tarnaka-Secunderabad road said, “The seasonal plants are really easy to take care of, moreover you can change the look of your garden every other season.”

M.A Hussain, owner of Seeds Centre and a nursery in Basheerbagh said, “The monotony should be broken, crotons and seasonals can be used in many interesting ways to make even a small garden look colourful and attractive.”

G. Jayalakshmi, Director of the Department of Horticulture, Andhra Pradesh said, “Kids should form green clubs in their areas which would help them understand the importance of having greenery in our surroundings also encourage a community feeling.”

To make the garden unque, pots in different shapes and colours and other trendy gardening accessories that are cute and trendy.

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