Reach out right

Updated on: Monday, September 13, 2010

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others,” said Mahatma Gandhi.

Be it raising funds for flood relief or cleaning the school campus in schools, these days these days children are getting to know about social service and their part in it.

Kevin of Std. VIII from St.Michael's School, is part of the “End Polio Now” programme conducted by his school. They are now aware of the need to end polio and the students went around their locality collecting donations from neighbours and friends. He says' “I like helping poor and the needy”.

Gracie Rajan, a teacher at St. Andrew's, says, “Such activities help in the all round development of children.

We invite widows to our school during Christmas and help them monetarily and give them gifts, we support leprosy patients by giving them food supplies and clothing among other things.” Anne of Std. VIII from St. Andrew's adds, “I am a part of YFS in which we collect old newspapers and sell them and give the money to the unprivileged. ”

“Recently we collected money for the flood relief, we gave essentials like soap, clothes and medicines for the flood relief victims,” says Ashmita of Std. IX from St. Ann's High School.

Reach out

There are a few schools which are associated with clubs and do social work. Like Sherwood Public School which is associated with Rotary Club. The school has an Interact club which is open to all students of the school.

The club members visit old age homes, orphanages, and interact with the inmates.

They put up performances to entertain them. Mrs. Jyothi Guruwara who is in charge of this club adds,

"We collect money and give it to less privileged people. We encourage students to take part in campus cleaning and planting trees on the campus and outside."

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