IIT council meeting, a range of issues to come up

Updated on: Sunday, September 12, 2010

Appointment of foreign nationals into faculty positions, introducing courses on medicine and streamlining of examination system are likely to be discussed at the IIT council meeting here tomorrow.
The proposal for setting up of setting up 'centre of studies' on foreign countries is also expected to come up at the 41st edition of the council meeting, to be chaired by HRD Minister Kapil Sibal.
Sources said an interim report of the Prof. Acharya committee, which was constituted to look into streamlining and rationalising JEE, GATE and other such examinations, would be circulated at the meeting.
The committee was mandated to explore possibility of having one exam in place of the present IIT-JEE, AIEEE and other state joint entrance examinations for admission to engineering programmes.
Inclusion of medicine in the Institute of Technology Act, 1961 will also be discussed, sources said.

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