RFID technology unveiled at the British Council Library

Updated on: Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chennai: The British Council Library became the first library in the city to implement Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), a latest technology used to automate book handling process including check-out, inventory maintenance and check-in.
The technology would allow the readers to utilise the service of self 'check-in' (return) and 'check-out' (borrow) books without standing in queue, a British Council press release said today.
The users could also avail the round the clock 'book return' facility.
Two 'Check-out Kiosks' were also set up in the library, which could be used to borrow the books on their own. Book renewals could also be made at the kiosk.
When books were borrowed, an acknowledgement slip would be generated, giving details of the book issued and the 'date of return' of the books.
Using the kiosk one could also check their account status -books in their accounts and pending overdue charges.
 A 'Book Drop Box' was situated at the entrance which could be used to return books.


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