India: the next big name in hospitality

Updated on: Monday, September 06, 2010

Hospitality is emerging as one the biggest industries when it comes to employment. Today, the term ‘ hospitality' has gone beyond the borders of the hotel industry and has seeped into almost every sector of business.

Over the last few years, the industry has undergone a complete makeover and has become a crucial part of functioning of any company. If one looks closely at sectors such as entertainment, education and retail industries, hospitality plays a major role in supporting these sectors.

Weather you are buying tickets for the latest movie, or booking seats for a flight, hospitality is becoming the spine of businesses all across the globe. Being hospitable to clients is one of the major areas where companies are focussing on. If one observes on a trip to a restaurant, the waiter comes over to ask if the food served was good and is open to feedback.

Another thing which is noticeable in India is that most of the hotels offer a tour of their kitchen, which was never the case before. All these changes spell one thing- companies are going one step further in being more people friendly.

“The industry has been changing and its not just hotels and restaurants now. A lot of other industries such as transportation, real estate, hospitals, retail, casinos, banking, consultancy, education, theme parks and publishing houses need to be hospitable. This is because of every company has some element of hospitality involved in it, which helps the business grow,” says Pimo Mazurczak, Regional Admissions Director, Laureate Hospitality Education, Switzerland.

With a lot of hotels opening up in the country, India is being touted as the next destination for the hospitality industry. According to figures from the World Travel and Tourism Council, by 2019, there would be 275 million jobs pertaining to the hospitality industry. “Though there are still opportunities in the west, a lot of jobs will be generated in countries which include Brazil, Russia, India and China. The present and future of the hospitality industry is in these countries,” Mr. Mazurczak points out.

At present, in India, there are about 90,000 hotel rooms and given to the new hotels coming up, these numbers are bound to increase. “The figures could go up to over 2.40 lakh hotel rooms in India, which would also mean a lot of opportunity for hotel management graduates,” he says. With the spurt of entertainment companies and hotels, India has become a sought after destination for students not only from India, but also countries such as Brazil, China and Russia. “Owing to the boom in the industry here, many people are looking at India for jobs. An interesting trend that we noticed in the past few years is that a lot of foreign students come to India to intern because of the innumerable opportunities and diverse cultures across the country,” Mr. Mazurczak adds.

So all the young hospitality graduates, now you know where your future is! For more information on hospitality courses in Switzerland visit or

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