Settling down in Southampton

Updated on: Monday, September 06, 2010

I believe that it is not only for money that a person pursues a particular line of study.

A satisfying and fulfilling career is as significant. And amidst all that, one should not forget the fact that ‘student life' is the most delightful phase of one's life. Thus, it is important that a person chooses an educational nest which is an amalgam of blissful student life, quality of course and also the promise of a bright career.

Nurturing all these thoughts, me and my brother Sundeep set looking for an ace university for Post Graduation in Software Engineering after completing our undergraduate degree in Information Technology from St. Mary's College of Engineering & Technology in Hyderabad.

Sundeep and I had decided that we would do our Masters from the UK as it is a place of rich multi-cultural environment set against a landscape of wonderful views, seascapes, meadows and skylines.

But the biggest assets of all are an education system that is one of the most respected in the world, and a language that is one of the most important mediums of communication on the planet.

Our search for our dream educational institution ended when we came across the University of Southampton. The university tops UK university ratings for Electronics and Electrical Engineering, according to The Guardian University Guide 2008. We also got to know that it is the only university in the UK to have integrated Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

And it is only after joining the university we were sure that among the many good decisions that we have made in our lives, one was to choose Southampton for our masters.

Initially, when we came to UK, we were concerned about racial attacks, but Southampton is as safe as India.

The university is a friendly and welcoming place with a vibrant and dynamic campus, helpful staff, nice accommodation halls, good transport, plenty of shops near university having a mix of cultural food, cinema and gym. The city gives a flavour of various European cultures and lifestyles.

The university campus has a wide range of services and facilities, including a full sports complex with swimming pool, excellent cinema and social facilities in the Students' Union, arts venues and several other facilities from which students can keep deriving knowledge and expertise. It is one thing to study for your career, everyone does that.

But it is quite another experience to study and learn in an environment where there are people hailing from more than 130 different nations.

I am sure that my stay at the university and befriending people belonging to different cultures and places will help me a great deal in my future.

Southampton University Students' Union is the hub of the university social scene. The Union's entertainment programme includes live bands, jazz, karaoke and comedy evenings.

There are also more than 200 sporting and social clubs and societies, from jazz dancing through to performing arts clubs and the Debating Society.

As graduates, Sundeep and I will be eligible for the Post Study Work Visa, which entitles us to work in the UK for two years.

This way, we will be able to acquire two years of rich work experience in the UK which will help us a great deal in future. Details of the university courses can be had on

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