Fee committee raids 2 institutions in Tiruchy

Updated on: Monday, September 06, 2010

The committee monitoring fee structure in private engineering colleges in the state raided two institutions in Tiruchy following complaints from students that the colleges were charging fees in excess of the fixed amount.

In the past few months, the committee has raided nearly 13 engineering colleges.

M.S.Planichamy, the Tamil Nadu State Council for Technical Education vice-chairman and head of the fee monitoring committee told that officials who raided the two colleges in Tiruchy and its suburbs made enquiries with students, staff and officials about the complaint and also checked fee receipts and college accounts.

He said the committee would continue to raid erring colleges in Madurai, Coimbatore and other towns in the state.

Without revealing the names of colleges, Prof. Palanichamy said the committee had received complaints from students pertaining to 29 colleges collecting fees more than the figure stipulated by the Permanent Committee for Fixation of Fees in Self-Financing Professional Colleges.

Recently, the committee submitted its report to the government regarding complaints of extra fees collection in six engineering colleges in Chennai city and its suburbs.

Even though the committee stipulated '32,500 as the fee for courses not endorsed by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and `40,000 for for NBA accredited courses, several colleges in the state collect fees ranging from `60,000 to `1 lakh.

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