Police case against students furnishing fake income documents

Updated on: Friday, September 03, 2010

The district administration has asked the police to lodge criminal cases against 700 students of professional colleges for furnishing fake documents of income of their parents to get fee concessions from their respective institutes.
Issuing an order to this effect, Chief Development Officer Zuher Bin Sagir also asked the concerned department to conduct a probe into income proof documents furnished by students in all the 110 colleges of the district.
It is becoming a usual practice by students to file fake certificates obtained from respective government departments of their parents to get fee concessions, Sagir told PTI.
These certificates were issued from all over UP, including Ghaziabad, Lucknow, Meerut, Muzzaffarnagar and Agra, he said.
All the fake certificates will be confiscated and the students who filed them sent to jail after lodging criminal cases against them, he said.

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