Educational Reality Show to be on air soon

Updated on: Thursday, September 02, 2010

IT@School, a Kerala government initiative to popularize ICT in schools, plans to conduct an Educational Reality Show focusing on Government and Aided Schools to unleash the creativity and innovativeness of school childreen from standard one to ten.
Schools shall present their achievement in different areas which encompasses the all round development of children, IT@ School project Director Anwar Sadat said here today.
There will be 75 episodes in the show starting from November to January end. This will be in tune with the ‘Green Kerala Express’ programme, that focused on environment issues in Panchayats, with more School and Sector specific vertical content, he said.
A web Portal would be created and this would give updated information on all aspects of the schools in Kerala with multimedia contents, he said.
As part of this. 30 minutes documentary of selected 100 schools will be ready by December 2010. Besides this, sector specific videos (Infrastructure,Academic, ICT based Education) also will be produced and uploaded in the portal.
The portal created will be an  extension to the ‘School Wiki’ portal. IT@School is conducting the show with the help of state run CDIT.The videos will be given to schools as part of IT@School’s ‘FreeDigital Library’ project, he said.
This educational Reality show will be the first attempt to integrate the learning elements with the societal roles of children. Here both children and teachers will be presenting the achievement of their schools with the help of videos, IT enabled communication tools and any other forms of communication.This show will also be the ideal opportunity in understanding the different accepts of the learning process and will help in gauging the feedback of students, teachers
for policy making, he said.
The programme would be telecast in the IT@SCHOOL ViCTERS channel, he said.
"It is not an individual i.e a student or teacher who is the focus of attention of this programme but a collective effort of the school represented by students and teachers, he said.
In each episode there would be three segments. The first segment will be a profile of the school, the second will be a video prepared by the programme team on different activities of the school.Then the school will be given an opportunity to present their performance,achievements, highlights,uniqueness for the five-member jury.
This programme differs from the conventional reality shows which are studio-based. Here the performance of an individual on the studio floor will not be determinant factor in ranking the schools. Travelogue mode of shooting will be employed in familiarizing the school and its achievements.

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