Govt forced to defer key education reforms bill

Updated on: Thursday, September 02, 2010

Government faced embarrassment in the Rajya Sabha today as it was forced to defer a key education reforms bill following strong opposition from members cutting across party lines.

HRD Minister Kapil Sibal had to make a hasty retreat after the Education Tribunal Bill, 2010 came under all round attack including from senior Congress leader           K. Keshava Rao.
This is despite the fact that the bill, seeking to create a mechanism for providing speedy resolution of disputes pertaining to higher education institutions, was passed by Lok Sabha on August 26. UPA does not have a majority in the Upper House.
"Considering the sentiments of honourable members of this House, I request that the consideration of the bill be deferred to the next session," Sibal said.
The minister at the same time disagreed with the apprehensions expressed by the opposition saying, "We are not in anyway infringing upon the rights of the states. It's a significant piece of legislation and if members want a larger debate, we have no problem."

The decision to defer the bill followed uproar by the opposition members over Sibal's observation that he is ready to "bow down" if there was any "substance" in the opposition.
Irked by the remark, BJP and BSP members were on their feet demanding the minister to withdraw the remarks which forced Sibal to apologise if his remarks "cast any aspersion on any member".
Senior Congress leader K Keshava Rao, who earlier said that "this kind of hasty legislation does not augur well" later said he was not opposed to the Bill. "I supported the bill," he said, welcoming the "reformist approach of the minister".
Defending the bill earlier, Sibal said the Government is doing something that is required and it has taken into consideration the recommendations of the Standing Committee.
"I believe some of the Standing Committee recommendations will be taken care of through rules," he added.
He said there was "not a single note of dissent" from any state or any stakeholder to the bill and the four non-Congress ruled states - Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Kerala - have sent formal letters of support.
"It is not that we are in hurry. We are too late.  The bill is the need of the hour and is a fast track mechanism to deliver justice" for the stakeholders, he said. The minister said he is open to setting up more tribunals in the state if there is a demand for it from there as the states have to meet the expenditure for it.
Responding to the opposition's criticism for the provisions of the bill for appointing retired members of the judiciary in the tribunal, Sibal said it will be difficult to get young people in the mid of their career.
Members from BJP, CPI-M, BSP and BJD said the government should not rush the bill in a hasty manner and the committee's recommendations should not be trashed.
Rao took strong objection to the ministry rejecting the report of the Standing Committee of Parliament.
Describing the Committee as "mini-Parliament", Rao said if the report of such a panel is rejected and the House is not even told, it is unacceptable.
"Standing Committee did talk about 20 to 22 subjects, which you said you do not agree," Rao said adding that the committee is "not to indulge in fashion dialogue or talks for talks sake."
"Let every minister sitting in the House first start respecting the Standing committee," he said.
Rao said, "this kind of hasty legislation for a subject like education does not augur well" adding "his (Sibal's) thoughts run faster than the deeds of his ministry".

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