Premier institutes face faculty shortage, admits Sibal

Updated on: Sunday, August 22, 2010

With nearly one-third of the posts vacant, premier educational institutes like IIT and IIM are facing severe faculty crunch, Sibal told the Lok Sabha on Wednesday

Around 35 percent posts are vacant in the central universities, 25 percent in the IIMs, 33.33 percent in the National Institute of Technology and 35.1 percent in other central education institutions coming up under the Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal informed the Lok Sabha in a written reply.

However, the minister denied any decision to start an Indian Education Service to meet to the shortage.

"There is no decision of the government for creation of the Indian Education Service. Although the National Education Policy, 1986, provides for the establishment of Indian Education Services as an all-India service, however, as there was no consensus among the state governments, it could not be established," Sibal said.

However, the minister said short-term measures like raising the retirement age in teaching posts from 62 to 65 years and enhancement in salaries and other benefits for teachers are being taken by the government.

"Several long-term measures have also been initiated for attracting young people to opt teaching career. These include, enhancement in fellowships and attractive start-up grants in various disciplines," Sibal added.

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