Five centres for advanced legal studies to be set up

Updated on: Monday, August 09, 2010

The Union Law Ministry proposes to establish five regional centres for advanced legal studies and research.

According to the draft of The Centres for Advanced Legal Studies and Research Bill, 2010, prepared by the Ministry, the intention is to establish an autonomous networked Centre for Advanced Legal Studies and Research in each region with the objective of carrying out cutting edge research on various aspects of law, with the thrust on new and emerging areas. It is also aimed at providing common facilities for legal research for a group of law schools or for national law universities in general.

The centres will maintain linkages and institutionalised interaction with law schools and universities and serve as a think-tank for advising the government in national and international fora. It will promote academic excellence, including continuing legal education for faculty, by providing refresher courses on various aspects of higher legal education and research.

Each centre will have a Board of Governors, chaired by an eminent legal academician, and comprising a director, an official of the Law Ministry, the Attorney General or Solicitor General of India, Advocate General of the State within which it is located, director of the National Law School or Law University nominated by the Union government, president of the Bar Council of India and three eminent legal experts as members. The term of the Board will be for three years and the Chief Justice of India shall be the Visitor of the centre.

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