Unaffiliated colleges beware

Updated on: Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bangalore: Taking note ICFAI college fiasco, Higher Education Minister Aravind Limbavali has directed Department of Technical Education to identify unaffiliated colleges in the state and take legal action against them. DTE has begun preparing a list of such colleges and will send inspection teams to these colleges by next week.

A DTE official told The New Indian Express that the colleges will be served with legal notices after the inspection is over. "The mushrooming of unaffiliated colleges has become a huge concern," he said. After identifying these colleges, the inspection teams will submit reports and then take legal action against them.

According to the official, colleges will be inspected whether they are complying with norms of the regulatory bodies such as AICTE. "In case they have been found to violate existing laws, we will ask them to get affiliation from a university or transfer students to an affiliated college," he said.

The decision to take action against these colleges was taken in a meeting convened by the Limbavali on Tuesday following a meeting with higher education department officials. Action will also be initiated against colleges that are tied to foreign universities.

"Foreign universities bill has not been passed at the Centre till now. Therefore colleges cannot run with affiliation to foreign universities,” a source close to the minister said.

This is not the first time that DTE has been asked to perform this task. Last year, AICTE had asked the state government to file an FIR against 20 institutes in Karnataka.

While the file was sent to the law department for legal opinion on taking action against these colleges, no action was taken.

The Higher Education Minister’s office has contacted ICFAI Hyderabad and asked them to send a team to Bangalore within two days.”If they do not come to Bangalore in the next two days, we will take action against them,” said an official. ICFAI Bangalore has been in the news recently after students went on a rampage on discovering that the college was not affiliated to ICFAI university.

A team from the DTE had visited the campus on Tuesday, but found that the gates were locked.


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