Toolkit for educationists to make schools violence free launched

Updated on: Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Give respect to the child and build an atmosphere where it can learn without fear, said a child-centred development body.

With an aim to prevent violence in schools, including corporal punishment of the country, Plan India today launched 'Positive Discipline', a toolkit for NGO workers, teachers, development practitioners, educationist specialists and headmasters teaching in elementary classes (I to VIII standard).

Realising the need for addressing the issue of corporal punishment, Plan India announced this initiative as part of their nationwide 'Learn without Fear' campaign.
The objective of this campaign is to create an environment which can prevent all forms of violence in the schools.

The toolkit was launched here in the presence of Ms Shantha Sinha, Chairperson of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), Bhagyashri Dengle, Executive Director, Plan India and Randeep Kaur, Technical Advisor, Education, Plan India.

Talking about the initiative, Ms Dengle said, '' The module will cover 2000 schools by 2015. Plan India have trained 60 volunteers so far and they will reach out to seven states -- Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Orissa and Rajasthan -- to prevent violence in schools.

Speaking on the occasion, Ms Sinha said the focus should be on building a golden alliance between parent, child and teacher.''There is a definite need to raise more awareness on non-violence in schools and positive engagement with children,'' she said.

''This manual will be helpful for the training and support for teachers and communities to help reduce violence and work towards promoting a violence-free education system,'' she added.


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