Money could grow on trees

Updated on: Monday, July 12, 2010

Do you have a love for nature and plants? Do you instinctively know what would look nice together and can you visualise what a garden would look like once it’s been taken ‘care’ of? If you do and if you don’t mind getting your manicured hands soiled why not take up landscape gardening? This is a very lucrative career option but you must know the basics of botany, zoology, soil science and plant symbiosis.

Your work would involve
De-signing private gardens, public grounds, indoor and terrace gardens. “You must possess some basic knowledge about the cultivation of plants (indoor and outdoor) flowering, variety of soil, pruning, trimming, propagation, seedling transplantation, use of fertilisers and insecticides, knowledge of basic water systems, garden layout etc,’’ says Amrit Sujan, career counsellor and Director of Career Smart.

Good communication skills and an aesthetic sense are essential
You will be working with a team and you need to be able to tell them what you visualise. However with the stress on the environment these days this is another aspect you need to be aware of. For instance you should know what the natural alternatives to chemical herbicides and pesticides would be.

Your job would also mean
You will be working or could be working with architects, clients, nursery personnel and garden workers about projects. With the threat of global warming looming larger than ever, green is the way to go. Today every building is going green — malls and multiplexes are including landscapes and gardens as part of their elevation plans and townships that are up and coming want landscaped greens to add to the ambience of their property. Corporates also want to be seen as green hubs — so there are plenty of opportunities to keep your interest going and your bank balance growing!

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