No fear of losing IIT teachers to foreign varsities'

Updated on: Saturday, July 10, 2010

Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal Friday dispelled fears that allowing foreign universities in the country will result in attrition of teachers from premier institutes like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

"The attrition rate in IITs is zero," Sibal said at a seminar here. The fears were raised after a legislation was recently introduced in the Lok Sabha to allow foreign universities in India.

"IIT teachers would have been picked by the elite Stanford and Harvard universities even today. But none has gone," he said.

Sibal said the IIT faculty members are "patriotic" enough not to sell their conscience for money.

"I know my faculty is patriotic and passionate about India and I know my faculty will not sell their conscience for a little bit of money," he said.

The foreign universities bill, which was introduced in the Lok Sabha during the budget session earlier this month, permits foreign education providers to set up campuses in the country and offer degrees.

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