Lady Gaga on the importance of education

Updated on: Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Lady Gaga had requested her fans to complete their education as it plays a vital role in decision making for career.

Gaga attended an upmarket private school in New York and said that her academic achievements have helped her to become a pop star.

"Don't ever make the mistake that you're a dumb blonde or a pushover. I was a grade-A student and I went to a really top school in New York where the children of middle-class parents are expected to achieve at everything," the Daily Express quoted her as telling the Mail.

"I started piano at the age of four and I passed every grade with top marks. I wanted to be smart because I wanted to be able to control things. My career isn't about other people's ideas and decisions.

It's about my decisions, my vision, my inspirations. I listen to other people, but I'm smart enough to know what to take notice of. "Never underestimate the importance of education," she added.


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