When colourful canvases dotted the village

Updated on: Monday, July 05, 2010

Drawing helps artistic and creative thinking individuals. And the best one could do is to inspire and motivate children to take up such creative activity and enable them to enhance their creative potential. It is with this objective that the Rotary Club of Belgaum conducted a drawing competition recently at V.S. Patil High School in Machche, a village of Belgaum taluk.

The objective behind organising the competition in a village-school was to provide an opportunity to students of rural areas not just to explore their creative abilities, but also to inculcate in them the spirit of competition. Since it is not possible for all children s to travel to the city, the club decided to organise the event in a place convenient to them.

Healthy competition

The competitions were held for three different age categories where the junior group comprised students from Stds II to IV, sub-junior from Stds V to VII and senior from Stds VIII to X. The topics were different for each category. For the junior group the topic was ‘Railways or Lotus (national flower)', ‘Rainy Day or National Festival' for the Sub-Junior and ‘ A farmer in the field or A Market place' for the Senior group. The topics were selected considering the different levels of creative potential among the children and of national character. Two hundered and eighty children from different schools in Machche, Santibastwad, Peeranwadi and adjoining villages in Belgaum taluk participated in the competitions, according to the event chairman Satish Belgaonkar.

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