Canada's envoy leaving Delhi to join Vancouver varsity

Updated on: Saturday, July 03, 2010

Canada's High Commissioner in India, Joseph Caron, is turning academic. Caron, who was in Canada for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit, on Friday joined the Institute of Asian Research (IAR) of the University of British Columbia here as an honorary research associate.

One of Canada's top diplomats, Caron has served as the country's envoy in three major Asian nations - China, Japan and India. He is joining the institute after retiring from diplomatic service.

"Caron is widely regarded as the leading diplomat of his generation,'' Paul Evans, IAR director, said in a university statement.

"Through his extensive experience managing sensitive bilateral political relationships and interpreting regional dynamics, he will make major contributions to the institute, the university and the country."

Caron will play an active role in teaching and research, including lecturing and mentoring students in master's programme at the institute, the statement said.

With Canada now focussing attention on emerging Asian giants India and China, Caron's diplomatic experience in Southeast Asia will help researchers understand that part of the world better.

Apart from assignments in Asia, Caron has also held several positions related to Asian and international economic affairs, including G8 summits, in Ottawa. Caron's successor has not been named yet.

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