Updated on: Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The new additions to Kerala Council for Historical Research Library, Thiruvananthapuram:

Tirthankar Roy, Company of Kinsmen: Enterprise and Community in South Asian History 1700-1940, 2010

Douglas E. Haynes et al. (Ed.), Towards a History of Consumption in South Asia, 2010

Bhaskar Chattopadhyay (Ed.), Descriptive Catalogue of Sculptures, 2001

Ajit Muricken and Ullash Kumar (Ed.), Breaking Silence: Voices from the Margins, 2005

Mathur.P.R.G, Applied Anthropology and Challenges of Development in India, 1994

Mathew.K.S (Ed.), French in India and Indian Nationalism: 1700 A.D. – 1963 A.D.; Vol.1, 1999

Mathew.K.S (Ed.), French in India and Indian Nationalism: 1700 A.D. – 1963 A.D.; Vol.2, 1999

Kaushik Roy, The Oxford Companion to Modern Warfare in India: From the Eighteenth Century to Persian Times, 2009

Rao Bahadur C. Gopalan Nair, Wayanad: Jananangalum Paramparyavum; Translation and Notes by K.K.N.Kurup, 2006.

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