Management graduates should obtain hands on experience

Updated on: Monday, April 27, 2009

Chennai: Recalling his first lesson during his early days, taking a dip in the tank, Anand Kumar, Director (R& D), Indian Oil Corporation advised management students to get hands on experience on unskilled jobs.

Speaking at the convocation ceremony of the Institute for Technology and Management, Mr.Anand Kumar said that he had done several such works, which helped him improve his skills in later years.

The young graduates of today should learn to realise the value of jobs, which were considered menial, he said. The initial period in any job is very crucial and whatever one learns and earns during the period would be decisive for the rest of one's life.

The scope for management graduates is greatly increasing, said G. Srinivasan, Chairman and Managing Director, United India Insurance Company Limited, said while delivering the 15th convocation speech at the Institute.

Managerial skills were integral part of Indian lifestyle and Indian managers were highly successful both in India and abroad. Work with quality, energy, enthusiasm and the ability to face the challenges.

In the initial stages of career, take a good plunge into all the works related to the job with more commitment and get hands on experience on it, he appealed to the students on the occasion.


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