A look at all the options

Updated on: Monday, June 21, 2010

Wondering what career possibilities your course holds? Here is some guidance

Subjects: Physics-Chemistry-Biology (PCB)
Avenues: Biology — research scientist, forest officer (Indian Forest Service), physician, geneticist, nutritionist, horticulturalist, conservation biologist, physical therapist, veterinarian, pharmacologist, microbiologist, forensic scientist, environmental manager.
Avenues: Chemistry — resear-ch and development, most employers recognise the key skills of numeracy, problem-solving and communication that are an integral part of all chemistry courses so whether in accountancy or banking, a chemistry degree can open the door to a successful career in the financial world.
Avenues: Physics — research-er, “applied” or “basic”; astronomy, astrophysics, atomic/ nuclear physics, meteorology, oceanography, bio-engineering, seismology, secondary education etc. The biggest industrial sector employing physicists these days is the electronics and telecommunications sector. In the West, health physics is an upcoming field.

Subject: Mathematics
Avenues: statistician, budget analyst, market research, investment banker, accountant, actuary, insurance agent, stockbroker, operations research analyst, financial planner, securities broker.

Now let’s take a look at the commerce stream
Subjects: Commerce-Economics-Business Studies-Accountancy
Avenues: you could join the IRS, or become an auditor, financial planner, securities analyst, stockbroker, market research analyst, urban planner, accountant, statistician, research assistant, lawyer, tax consultant, business analyst etc.

For those in the humanities stream
Subject: History
Avenues: IAS, archivist, curator, journalist, policy analyst, lawyer, operations researcher, academics etc.

Subject: Sociology
Avenues: IAS, family counsellor, social work, rehabilitation counsellor, regional/ urban planner, intelligence specialist, HR specialist/ demographer, market research analyst, etc.

Subject: Psychology
Avenues: Counselling psychologist, clinical psychologist, school psychologist, guidance psychologist, alcohol and drug abuse counsellor, industrial or organisational psychologist, mental health aide, etc

Subject: Geography
Avenues: Weather forecaster, environmental/soil conservationist, remote sensing analyst, realty specialist, hazardous waste planner, urban planner, cartographer, map analyst, etc.

Subject: Political Science
Avenues: IAS, policy analyst, budget analyst, lawyer, media/research/ intelligence analyst, job opportunities exist in international organisations (for research work, draft legislation and formulate and implement public policy)

Subject: Philosophy
Avenues: IAS, operations researcher, curator, art historian/art educator, policy analyst, human resources officer, lawyer, journalist, corporate trainer etc.

Subject: English
Avenues: Education, journalism, retail, PR, academics, author, creative writer, instructional design, advertising agencies etc.
Many colleges now offer a range of add-on courses at the Bachelor’s as well as postgraduate level. Good luck!

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