Several companies on hire mode

Updated on: Monday, June 21, 2010

Now job aspirants can heave a sigh of relief after last years depressing downturn that shook work force of several companies. Several companies are now actively scouting for employees, according to a latest study by a leading HR firm.

With the economy taking a positive turn over the past few months, especially between January and March 2010, a sense of optimism hangs over new recruitments in almost every sector, though in varying degrees, according to Ma Foi Randstad Employment Trends Survey.

Analyzing the hiring practices of 650 companies across 13 sectors in eight major cities, the survey revealed that the recruitment would be done more in a planned manner rather than ‘aggressive recruitment’ all at once.

In the first quarter of the year, the healthcare sector has emerged as the biggest recruiter, with whopping 52,752 new jobs across the country, followed by hospitality segment. Adding 16,200 new jobs between January and March 2010, the education, training and consultancy sector was not far behind.

After Delhi and Mumbai, Chennai ranks third among cities in terms of attracting employment, and is expected to add 11,900 jobs by the end of 2010.

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