ICM to be hosted by Central varsity

Updated on: Monday, June 14, 2010

University of Hyderabad will host the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC) from August 19 to 27 this year.

The prestigious event, which is held once in four years under the auspices of the International Mathematics Union (IMU) in different places across the globe, is being held for the first time in India. The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and Department of Science and Technology (DST) are funding the event.

The ICM evokes a lot of curiosity as the Fields Medals are announced in this congress. The Fields Medal is the top most honour a mathematician can ever receive, and is considered the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in Mathematics.

A statement from the University of Hyderabad said that Jaya Iyer, professor in Department of Mathematics and Statistics, is co-organising a satellite conference on Algebraic Geometry while the International Congress of Women Mathematicians (ICWM 2010) is being co-ordinated locally by B. Sri Padmavati, also a Professor in the department.

These two events are being organised in the university in August before the ICM. Rajat Tandon, Head of Mathematics Department of UoH is the local Organising Secretary of ICM 2010 and he can be contacted on 40-23134006 and 99639-94006.

Registrations can be done on http://mathstat.uohyd.ernet.in/events/forthcoming/icm2010/

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