Entry age for school lowered to five in Malaysia

Updated on: Monday, June 14, 2010

Children will begin school a year earlier, at the age of five plus, the government has announced in the 10th Malaysian Plan.
It will be rolled out in stages starting with schools in rural and plantation areas, particularly in schools that are under-utilised to allow the pupils to benefit from an earlier headstart.
Early childhood development and pre-school programmes will be stepped up for more children to be ready to enter schoola at a younger age, according to the plan that was tabled in the Dewan Rakyat (Lower House) yesterday.
"The entry age for schooling will be lowered from 6 to 5 during the plan period," it said.
Efforts will be made to raise pre-school enrolment for children aged between four and five from the current 67 per cent to 87 per cent by 2012 and 92 per cent by 2015.

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