Over 7,500 Institutions Around The World Accept TOEFL Scores

Updated on: Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The Education Testing Services(ETC) has announced that over 7,500 colleges and universities in more than 130 countries, including the US, Canada, UK and Australia, accept the TOEFL, a widely recognized English-language assessment test worldwide.
 As significant numbers of international students continue to study abroad, the demand for a high quality, objective English language proficiency assessment will continue to grow, said Teresa Sanchez-Lazer, executive director of TOEFL Product Management.

Till date,more than 24 million students globally have taken the TOEFL and the number of test takers continue to head north. The TOEFL is available at more than 4,500 test administration sites in 165 countries. Students can now receive their score online within two weeks, making the testing process more efficient and user friendly. A complete listing of more than 7,500 colleges and universities that currently accept TOEFL scores can be found at the TOEFL Destination Directory. More information regarding the TOEFL test, including registration, study tips and sample questions, is available on the TOEFL Go anywhere website, www.toeflgoanywhere.org.

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