ABL methodology and team recognised

Updated on: Friday, April 24, 2009

Chennai: The Activity-Based Learning (ABL) methodology and its success story is widely discussed about at various levels and highly appreciated.
On the success of the project M.P. Vijayakumar, former State Project Director of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) wing of the School Education Department, received the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration from Vice-President Hamid Ansari in New Delhi recently.

The citation commended for the exemplary work as the Commissioner of Chennai Corporation, when 13 Chennai Corporation schools began implementing the ABL methodology to bridge the wide gaps in primary education.

Mr. Vijaya Kumar and his team adapted Activity Based Learning (ABL) at schools in the primary level, initially as a pilot project.

'The ABL methodology is emblematic effort in making learning fun, quality-oriented and child-centred, and can be adapted easily. It has practically proved in a remarkable improvement in the academic performance of these students and also improved the attendance.The method is currently adapted in primary schools across the State and has also been adopted by other States…' the citation read.

'This award is for the two lakh teachers across the State and their hard work put in over a period of time. I must truly say that I had a wonderful team that had faith in this project and helped implement it successfully,' said Mr.Vijayakumar, currently serving as the honorary director to the SSA.


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