Arunachal Assembly passes education bill

Updated on: Saturday, March 20, 2010

Itanagar : The Arunachal Pradesh Assembly yesterday unanimously passed the Arunachal Pradesh Education Bill 2010, aimed at streamlining the ailing education sector, by voice votes.

Acknowledging the suggestions put forward by members during a marathon discussion on the Bill, education Minister Bosiram Siram said all should go for 'self-introspection' to improve the present education scenario in the state.

He said Arunachal has the lowest literacy rate (54.74 per cent) in the whole of North East region, while Manipur stand at 88.84 per cent, the second highest literary rate in the country.

Without blaming anyone, he said, ''We are accustomed of seeking our demands, including pay structure as per the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations fulfilled, but we are lagging far behind in discharging our duties.'' Pleading the members to help in passing of the Bill, what he says 'a principal legislation', Siram avowed, ''This is not the true copy of others states' education policies but all the local viewpoints and thoughts have been reflected in the Bill.

Pitching for imparting student-oriented teaching as per children's needs, he told the House that all the untrained teachers will be trained for bringing qualitative change.

''We need to have a proper recruitment mechanism to bring first-rate teachers for imparting quality education to our children,'' the education minister added.

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