BITS to encourage knowledge of Indian languages

Updated on: Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pune: BITS Private Limited, a professional translation company, launched their Read and Write your Mother Tongue programme in all official Indian languages. This programme seeks to revive the active use of Indian languages in our day to day lives by teaching individuals to read and write their mother tongue and in turn also help them connect with the richness of their cultural literature. Targeting anybody above the age of 16 who can speak but not read and write their mother tongue, this weekend course has been kept simple and will use traditional methods to teach the script.
Says Sandeep Nulkar, Chairman and MD, BITS Private Limited, In this day and age of progress, we seem to be forgetting our roots. Though the current generation can speak their mother tongue, very few have the knowledge of the script. So BITS decided to help people appreciate their mother tongue better by introducing the Read and Write your Mother Tongue programme.
Scheduled for the weekends, BITS proposes to make it as accessible to as many people as possible. The course timings would be such that those travelling to Pune on weekends from Mumbai and other neighbouring cities, can also take the time out to learn their mother tongue.
Says Kajal Ambedkar, Director of the Indian Languages Department, BITS Private Limited, We want people to value and respect their mother tongue. Each one of us doing that is the only way we can keep our own languages alive. I learnt to read and write my mother tongue (Kannada) recently and I would like everybody to experience the empowerment I felt once I could.
Read and Write your Mother Tongue is an initiative conceptualised by BITS Private Limited in line with their "My Language, My Pride" initiative that intends to prevent the extinction of Indian languages and help the new generations inherit the cultural riches of earlier ones.

The programme was initiated on the 21st of February, and will consist of six sessions of two hours each. Students would be taught using traditional methods such as alphabet charts, slates, etc. and keeping in mind modern applications, the course will also include a module on typing in Indian languages using a specially designed keyboard. The course will cost Rs 1500 but participants scoring more than 90 percent can expect a full refund on their fees.
BITS also invites experienced Indian language teachers or other volunteers to be part of this social cause in any capacity.

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