Marketing (research) matters

Updated on: Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kolkata: When The Nielsen Company, India, announced its collaboration with North Point Centre of Learning, Khandala, it was touted as the first in India, but few realised that it was the first collaboration for Nielsen in the world. “We don’t offer diplomas, it’s an attempt to meet industry needs and help people build careers,” states Prem Mehta, chairman, North Point Centre of Learning.

Entry for the programme is simple. “We are looking for people who are analytical and can make sense out of numbers,” says Mehta.

But is there a preferred background? “A BBA would be ideal. We need students who are interested and have an enquiring mind,” reveals Partha Rakshit, managing director, South Asia, The Nielsen Company. While there is no age limit, a student has to be a graduate. “A student can have marginal work experience provided he or she is a graduate,” clarifies Rakshit, who likens the programme to killing two birds with one stone.

“IIM graduates are too expensive for us as their starting salaries are too high. With this programme, we train students the way we want to. They are work ready on day one.”

That is not all. “Market research is a niche area. IIM graduates are not trained for market research but for a general
management,” adds Mehta. The 11-month programme started off as an idea Rakshit put forth when he visited North Point on a lecture. “Market research is a niche area in India but all companies require someone in the field. So I thought: why can’t we do this?” he says.That was in September 2009. It took three months for the course structure to be designed. “We work fast,” admits Rakshit.

The course is not based on books. “We’re not trying to teach theory. You can learn that on your own. We are training practising professionals. Theory is basic. Real life is the test,” says Mehta.Mehta feels that some of the graduates should be allowed to work in the industry. Nielsen has said that they will take in almost all of the 30 students. “We have the ability to absorb students in our Asia Pacific offices,” states Rakshit.

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