Govt considering policy on open schooling system

Updated on: Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Delhi: Aiming to enhance the acceptability of open schooling system, the govt is considering framing a policy which will enable regular schools adapt distance education programme.

'A national policy will be evolved under which regular schools will embrace distance education. This will make distance schooling more acceptable,' Human Resources Development Minister Kapil Sibal said in his address to the annual meeting of National Consortium for Open Schooling.

Of the 1 crore children in the age group of 14-18 years who currently pursue secondary education, 16 lakh are doing it through open schooling system. "This number (16 lakh) is not good enough. It should be increased to about 70-80 lakh by the end of the 11th Five Year plan and should be 1.5 crore by 2020," he said.

The major problem in distance education is its non- acceptability among the people as an effective and efficient alternative of the regular schooling system. Sibal said if the regular schools could adapt distance education programmes it will upgrade the quality of distance schooling and make it more acceptable.

The regular schools should be able to assess the drawbacks in the open schooling system, he said. The distance education in schooling is offered by National Institute of Open Schooling. 14 states in India have decided to start their own open schooling institutes.

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