Private sector participation must in edn: Sibal

Updated on: Monday, February 15, 2010

Ahmedabad: Human Resources Development Minister Kapil Sibal today said private sector participation and investment are essential in providing quality education to all in the country.
"In the next few years, around 40,000 more colleges and institutes of higher education would be required to absorb the students and this cannot be done by the government only, private sector's role is a must here," he said while delivering the Justice P D Desai Memorial lecture here. He, however, said that though private participation was welcome, the government will not allow profiteering in the education sector.
According to Sibal, India spends around three per cent of its GDP in the education sector and therefore there is huge scope for the private sector to chip in and participate in preparing the future generations of the country. He also said the Centre will not compromise on quality of education in either government-run or private institutes. The minister said the Centre has launched a programme to connect all IITs and over 2,000 other colleges and institutes of education through the Internet.
"Currently, the Central government has set its focus on opening vocational courses institutes so that skills which are required in the labour market, are imparted and better work force can be created to cater to the growing demand of skilled work force," he said. Sibal also defended reservation in higher education contending that through this, deprived sections can be brought into the mainstream of the society.

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