Visually impaired get free Radio Jockey training

Updated on: Friday, March 20, 2009

The visually impaired can soon turn out to be a Radio Jockey and play your favourite music on the radio.

Free Radio Jockey training would be provided to the Visually impaired by Seamless Education Academy starting from March in batches of five. Talking to media persons, Arun Nigwekar, The Chairman of SeamEdu said it was their corporate social responsibility to provide more job avenues to the visually impaired.

Gene Parker, a recognised radio personality across the globe, who is also visually impaired, will be a part of the initiative and also will teach the students the software related aspects of jockeying apart from being an advisor. ' Although there are few softwares, devices and more and more options available for the visually impaired but all that we need is more encouragement from big organisations,' Parker said.

According to few selected for the first batch, ' After the first few days of training we have become more confident and our communication skills have improved†and have received a wonderful opportunity and hope to get good jobs, they said.

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