A Helping Hand for the Boards

Updated on: Friday, February 05, 2010

Set small, achievable and realistic targets. Chalk out an effective schedule which you can follow. Understand your potential, limitations and then formulate effective strategies to work on them.

• Effective time-management through proper planning is essential. Thus, study early in the day whenever possible and use the late evening for revision. Revise difficult chapters when you are relaxed. Break large assignments into smaller parts and set deadlines for completing each part.

• The studying environment is equally important. Study the same subject at the same time in the same place each day. Remove visual distractions from your table and have all materials required for study at one place. Also, put up a white board where you can post a calendar schedule and reminder cards.

• One of the active studying strategies is to — recite, write and visualise. While reciting, teach/explain the information to someone else. While writing, make a chapter study review card and highlight the points to be revised. Create mnemonic to remember information eg Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, used for order of operation in solving an equation – parenthesis – exponent – multiply —divide — add — subtract. Lastly, while visualising, close your eyes and see the charts, diagrams, words or maps that you learnt and try to remember them.

• Do not disturb your body clock as it severely affects your routine and concentration on the examination day. Keep the optimum efficiency time between 10am to 1pm, which is the examination time.

• Presentation skills are equally important. Thus, keep the following points in mind:

• Keep a wristwatch in front of you

• Read the question paper during the allotted time and underline important parts of the questions

• Use pen of similar brand and ink (in case of ink change, convey to invigilator)

• Leave two lines after every answer and draw a line

• Try to attempt questions in serial order

• Encircle the question you have attempted. Put a tick mark on the question number, if answer is to be rechecked or is incomplete

• Your answer should not exceed the word limit mentioned

• Fill the details about the continuous sheet on top of the main answer script (check in the end) and number the continuous sheets.

For more guidance, visit — edudel.nic.in/welcome_folder/cbse_question_ans.htm www . cbseguess . com  onlineteachers.co.in www . sakshat . ac . in  

Times of india

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