For greater interaction between subjects

Updated on: Thursday, April 16, 2009

The interim report submitted to the Central government by the Yash Pal Committee to Advise on Renovation and Restructuring of Higher Education has generated a fair amount of debate in the nation’s academic circles. The committee’s recommendation to set up a Commission for Higher Education, which will replace bodies such as the University Grants Commission and the All India Council for Technical Education, has drawn flak from the heads of these bodies and praise from many academics in the Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University and in Maharashtra.

In Maharashtra, the discussions on the interim report were held on the initiative of the Governor of the State who brought together the Vice-Chancellors of 40 universities.

At the same time, concerns have also been raised about the nature of such a commission and about the possibility of even that commission ending up like the bodies it will replace. The stand taken by the Yash Pal committee regarding the restoration of autonomy to universities and on deemed universities too have triggered vigorous debates in the academic circles. According to the committee chairman, Professor Yash Pal, the committee would submit its final report in two months.


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