Things to remember for exams- An interview with Dr.Sathish

Updated on: Monday, January 04, 2010

It is always good to reach the examination center 1 hour before the start of schedule time. It will reduce unnecessary anxiousness caused due to any unpredicted delay in commutation. Arrange all the necessary articles for exams like pen, pencil, rubber, geometry box and hall ticket on the previous day of exam.  Stick the exam timetable in a place in the house where everyone can see. This would help to avoid unnecessary confusion rising about the examination dates. 

Even though you would have reached the examination early avoid unnecessary chatting / talking with others or friends. Do not give too much importance to needless gossips from classmates about the important chapters or questions that would be asked in the exam. Consequently, if you lend your ears to such talks your concentration will get diverted.  After reaching the examination center, just glance through some important points and patiently focus on the examination.  Deliberately or mistakenly do not take any paper or written material inside the examination center. If any such written material or document was found in possession within the exam hall, will result in the immediate termination of exam and refrained from writing other exams.

After entering the hall quickly find out the right place allotted for the exam, then do a little breathing exercise, which will bring down your heart rate; consequently you would be much relaxed person to take up the exam.

After getting the question paper read it without any haste or hurry, do not panic seeing any difficult or unknown question. First, write the answers to the familiar questions, which would enhance your self-confidence. Then, gradually you will be able to recollect the answers for the difficult questions too. Make sure your handwriting is good while writing the exams.  Do not leave any question; instead give a try to all the answers.

Avoid talking and getting articles like pen, pencil from others inside the exam hall.  Sit in a relaxed, composed posture while writing. Have full concentration on writing your exam properly and do not allow your concentration to get diverted on others work.

Do not come out of the exam hall earlier than the allotted time. Complete the exam 15 minutes before schedule time and use the rest of the time for checking.  Never forget to check whether you have written your examination number correctly and have written the question numbers properly. Hand over the answer scripts promptly to the hall supervisor without fail.

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