Life-support courses for hospital personnel

Updated on: Monday, January 04, 2010

Almost everything is an emergency in the field of healthcare. Particularly in the case of heart attacks, there has to be a team of professionals in every hospital to attend to the emergencies and save the lives of patients. There is always a need for the medical fraternity to equip and update themselves to tackle emergency cases.

The American Heart Association along with the Vadamalayan Hospitals in Madurai has launched two programmes - Basic Life Support Course and Advanced Cardiac Life-Support Course - to train the staff working in hospitals in southern districts.

The course is offered by certified instructors of American Heart Association and experts from the Indian Institute of Emergency Medicine (IIEMS), Kottayam, which is an approved institution of the association.

A three-day course was conducted at Vadamalayan Hospitals from December 28 to 30 in which doctors, nurses, emergency medical technicians and other hospital personnel participated.

The course will be conducted on a regular basis for other hospitals also, and participants who score above 84 per cent will be eligible to receive a certificate.

Much needed

According to the Vadamalayan Hospitals, the courses will help medical professionals effectively handle emergencies and help in saving many lives.

K. Muralidharan, Head, Department of Emergency Medicine, spoke on the importance of undergoing the life-support courses and how hospitals could have an effective protocol in place for treating emergency cases.

There were 46 participants in the first round of the programme and the Vadamalayan Hospitals, which is now an approved institution of the American Heart Association, conducted an examination for the participants. Babu Urumese Pallaty, Medical Director, IIEMS, conducted sessions for the medical fraternity.

More details about the courses can be had from S. Hemalakshmi, Event Manager, Vadamalayan Hospitals, phone: 99946-13158.

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