New year resolutions are out of favour

Updated on: Monday, January 04, 2010

Before you blurt out those cliched New Year resolutions to friends, hang on. You could find a ‘grandma' (or a grandpa) tag hanging on your back for a whole year should your friends get a sniff of you abiding by some New Year resolutions this year!

Well, if some youngsters are to be believed, corny New Year resolutions no longer find favour with the current generation.

“Typical resolutions like giving up smoking or alcohol, being more thrifty with money or studying better are all passé. Everyone knows how many have failed with such promises. At least none of my friends abide by the resolutions they take year after year,” says K. Pavan, an engineering student in Hyderabad.

“What is so special about New Year? I don't buy the argument that new year is an occasion for one to start life afresh and stuff.

In fact for some it is just another excuse to spoil themselves silly,” says K. Ugesh, a student of electrical engineering.

“There was this friend of mine whose last year's new year resolution was to stop drinking but he used that as a pretext to go on a binge on New Year's eve. He wanted to drink hard for the “last time in his life” but his promise barely sustained 15 days in to the new year,” he narrates an incident.

In fact, for some, failing to keep up the promises made on new year's eve has led them to a point where their new year resolution is not to take any resolution!

“I have been taking the same resolution every year but keep failing miserably each time,” says Aditya Dev, a student at an animation institute in Hyderabad.

“Not just during new year, but on various occasions throughout the year, I swear to shed weight by reducing food intake and exercising regularly but I hardly stand by them for a week, at most,” he grumbles.

“So this year, my resolution is not to take any and take life as it comes,” an “enlightened” Aditya says.

While some are altogether against any kind of resolutions, there is another tribe that believes in taking “achievable and realistic” resolutions.

“I want to somehow secure a job once I graduate from college,” says D. Roopa Rani who is in her final year of study.

Her brother Mantri Naresh Kumar too has a simple resolution for 2010. “I have to try remembering the birthdays of friends. Nothing different from my resolution last year, but I think I will manage this year,” he chuckles.

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