India has now learnt art of negotiation

Updated on: Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bhubaneswar: “You should always be on the go, keep moving forward, keep improving, keep looking for answers and never be satisfied,” advised Sunil Kant Munjal, chairman of Hero Corporate Services Limited to the students of XIMB while delivering the Foundation Day Lecture-2009.

Sunil Kant Munjal, one of India Today’s ‘Faces of the Millennium’ and one of the most dynamic leaders in the corporate world, was speaking as the chief guest recently at the 7th foundation day function of the Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar.

Citing the examples of Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill, he said that there is more to leadership than just physical persona. He also stressed on the importance of the ability to dream big, bigger than tomorrow. “It is easier to build strategy than make plans. It is easier to make plans than implement them. But in the end, you are defined by what you do and not what you say,” said Munjal, who is also a former president of CII, while illustrating the importance of planning for the future.

He compared the Chinese, who plan 50 to 100 years into the future, with the Indian political leaders, who care only until the term they are to be in office. Munjal also spoke about the increasing focus on rural management and business ethics across the world. “Opportunity is unique”, he said, “And there are a lot of people out there in the world with potential, but very few of them get a chance.”

He mentioned how the Hero Group is trying to extend this opportunity to the underprivileged, by offering to sponsor the
education for children of unskilled workers of the company. Munjal continued, “The students have an obligation to make the best use of this opportunity and not only be good managers but also good human beings.”

Munjal emphasised the fact that India is going to provide the world’s workforce in the next 8 to 10 years, as 50 percent of its population is below 25 years of age. “India has tremendous capacity in the field of human resources. The demographics of India have a sizeable younger population which if provided the right skills and education and bring about greater development in India and abroad.”

“Thus, it is important to educate, train and equip this potential work force so as to capitalise on this opportunity,” he added.

Referring to India’s emerging role as a global power, Munjal said, “Earlier there used to be a G-7 and now we have G-20. Earlier India did not know how to negotiate well in the international forums. Now we have learnt the art of negotiation. This is the reason why India is becoming a major force in the G-20 of nations.”

At last, Munjal wished the students well in all their future endeavours, to carry forward the legacy of ‘Magis’ at XIMB, which involves academic excellence, personal values and social responsibility in equal measure, and to take this journey which began 22 years ago with the establishment of XIMB, to greater heights. Among others who also graced the occasion were Rajeev Kaul, chairman of the Board of Directors, XIMB, Fr PT Joseph, SJ, director, XIMB and Fr Tony Uvary, dean administration, XIMB.

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